List of Publications & Technical Presentations
Publications in final stages of preparation
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Syamsir, Z., Durcanin, M. A., Schlische, R. W., 2020. Deformation of synrift salt with variable composition and ductility: Seismic expression in the Early Mesozoic Orpheus rift basin, offshore eastern Canada. To be submitted to Basin Research.
Invited talks
November 2020. Salty structures: An introduction to salt tectonics. A lecture to the undergraduate students at Salem State University.
October 2020. Seismic expression of CAMP-related igneous sheets and their role in constraining the age of synrift salt in the early Mesozoic Orpheus rift basin, offshore southeastern Canada. Wright Webex Wednesday, an online colloquium of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, Rutgers University, NJ. (Please email me to watch the prerecorded talk.)
Papers presented at technical and professional meetings
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., Durcanin, M. A., Syamsir, Z., 2020. Seismic expression of CAMP-related igneous sheets and their role in constraining the age of synrift salt in the early Mesozoic Orpheus rift basin, offshore southeastern Canada. Geological Society of America (GSA) 2020 Connects Online. (Please email me to watch the prerecorded talk.)
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., Durcanin, M. A., Syamsir, Z., 2020. Relative timing of basement-involved faulting, detached shortening, and salt movement during rifting in the salt-rich eastern Orpheus rift basin, offshore southeastern, Canada. Geological Society of America (GSA) 2020 Connects Online. (Please email me to watch the prerecorded talk.)
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2020. Effect of relay ramps on salt sedimentation and intrasalt deformation in rift basins: An example from the synrift Argo salt, offshore eastern Canada. 2020 Houston Online Student Expo. (Please email me to watch the prerecorded talk.)
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2020. Deformation of salt layers and interbedded impurities: Insights from scaled experimental models. Analog Modeling of Tectonic Processes Workshop, Memphis, Tennessee, USA (changed to an online format due to COVID-19).
Marcelli, O., Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2020. 3D analysis of small-scale faulting associated with oblique shortening: A scaled experimental modeling study. Abstract accepted in Joint Annual Meeting, Southeastern and Northeastern Sections of Geological Society of America (GSA), Reston, Virginia, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2018. Deformation of salt layers and interbedded impurities: Insights from the Orpheus rift basin, offshore eastern Canada, and scaled experimental models. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2017. The temporal and lateral facies variability and internal geometries of syn-rift salt: Insights from the Early Mesozoic Orpheus rift basin, offshore eastern Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
Pham, T. Q. H., Withjack, M. O., Hanafi, B. R., 2017. Interactions between polygonal normal faults and larger normal faults, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Pham, T. Q. H., Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., 2017. The influence of normal faults on the development of polygonal fault systems, Penobscot area, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. Joint Annual Meeting, Northeastern and North-Central Sections of Geological Society of America (GSA), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2016. Investigating the origin of shortening-related structures in the Orpheus rift basin, offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada: Is basin inversion in the eastern North American passive margin real? American Association of Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) Student Expo, Houston, Texas, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2013. The influence of synrift salt on deformation during and after rifting: Examples from the Orpheus rift basin, offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Syamsir, Z., Durcanin, M. A., Schlische, R. W., 2012. The Mesozoic Orpheus rift basin, offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada: The influence of basin architecture on salt tectonics and basin inversion. Joint Annual Meeting of Geological Association of Canada (GAC) and Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC), St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
Hanafi, B. R., Withjack, M. O., Schlische, R. W., 2011. The Mesozoic western Orpheus rift basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada: Structural styles and basin evolution. EarthScope and GeoPRISMS Joint Meeting, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.
Hanafi, B. R., Priadi, B. P., 2010. Indikasi keberadaan endapan mélange di wilayah Kotaraja dan sekitarnya, Kota Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia (The mélange deposits in Kotaraja, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia). Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Annual Convention and Exhibition of IAGI, Lombok, Indonesia.